last week was a long week. i had a project due on friday that had me up with finishing touches until 12:45am thursday night. to my satisfaction, my boss accepted it with much praise and great feedback. it was a wonderfully relaxing weekend, knowing this monstrosity was behind me. the hours of research and mental focus were enough to require a small vacation for the come-down. today is monday, its not even noon yet and i have been given THREE revisions to make to this report. normally, this wouldn't seem so bad but for anyone in the business world, you know when a project of any magnitude gets kicked back to you, it will mean many more hours of research. It's not like english class in 4rth grade when you need to rewrite a paragraph or repunctuate a sentence. AHHHHHH, frustration doesn't quite capture the emotion going through me right now. i can't ever recall any other time i've questioned this boss's judgement, i really enjoy working for him. he's fair, honest, knowledgeable and probably my favorite boss to date. this is tarnishing his gleaming record. he has sensed my frustration (probably becuase i just expressed it to him without being very discreet) and is now taking me to lunch. we'll have some interesting dialog, no doubt. Dear Lord, let me be respectful, humble and flexible. i need to remember that i represent YOU and not me. (muffled grumbling)